Thursday 19 May 2011

                Illegal Immigration happens all over the world from years ago up to         today. A person who is entering a country illegally is known as an "illegal               Immigrant". Other names include: undocumented alien, undocumented                immigrant, unauthorized migrant, illegal migrant, illegal alien, undocumented worker or migrant. Some Migrants take a risk of leaving their home country to     move to a foreign country in search of a better life. Although, some migrants         leave their home country because of political or economic reasons. Most people usually choose to emigrate to a country that is more technologically advanced,  better resources and can offer better opportunities. Some immigrants choose to emigrate by themselves while some move with their family to give them a better life as well. In the Unites States of America, children the emigrate illegally           automatically gain citizenship, but, in countries like France, the must ask for     citizenship from the government and fill out documents once they become 18     years of age. Although, a lot of children get rejected and deported.                           

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